Monday, September 20, 2010

Battle report 1 - HE scenario: Battleline

First match where against HE. Standard battle line scenario. I was abit scared until I saw the army he was using. Only 1 scary thing and that was the dragon. The swordmasters should go down to the hellcannon combined with a followup charge with the marauders.

shortwords: KM Khorme marauders. TW: Tzeentch warriors. KW Khorne Warriors

HE; List: Prince on star dragon with quite standard equipment
2x lvl 2 with fire/heaven dispel scroll , steal a power dice(heaven in spears fire in swordmasters)
2x10 archers
40 spearelves(spears/SE etc)
21 swordmasters (SM)
4 rbts
2 eagles

Against the HE i deployed pretty standard,
He deployed from my left to right;
1 rbt 10 archers 2x eagles 40 spearelves 2x rbt Swordmaster 1 rbt 10 archers

                          doggies                                                    doggies
                             KW                troll       TW                    KM               knights
He got; heaven; comet and signature spell fire: flaming sword and fireball

I got: miasma x2 pit of shades, razor, -d3 T

Turn 1

I go first, move everything up, not that afraid of getting shot at realy, positioned my KM so that the dragon had to charge them if he wanted to. Then I tossed some magic around, miasma -1 ish got through on his SM. The hellcanon shot at the dragon, direct hit…. AND a misfire… The cannon ate his crew as it was a munchy lunch.. His turn.. Everything went some inches forward, the dragon landed beside the marauder block and the eagles landed in charge range of my hellcannon. In the shooting phase 2 knights died to reapers, together with 2 KWs. In the magic phase he managed to throw a comet down, wich I misread so should have scrolled it instead. Anyway, in the shooting phase he fried about 15 KM with the dragons breathweapon. End of turn 1


My 3 remaining Knights charges his 10 archers. That’s about it. The KM wheels to get their front to the dragon, same goes for the TW, the SMs are to far away to get off that charge on them together with the dragon. My KW goes up against his Spears readying themselves for a grind. The trolls just waits for the SM so that they can grind at them together with the warriors. Magic, miasma on both the SM and SE. quite nice. Now the interesting part, hellcannon fires again. Direct hit on the dragon! Wounds the lord he takes a ward save and fails it, 6 wounds= dead elf. The dragon gets slugged with 5 wounds, leaving him with 2! Now comes the realy sad part. My knights.. With asf and everything he hits first, scores some hits, and actually wounds with 2. “oh well, 1+ save, pieceofcake” but allas! They rolled up a double 1! And just to add up, I fluffed all the attacks, broke and was runned down.. Good going knights… oh well, about all the units I had left could still kill all of his without any major losses. Anyway, no point in crying over that! His turn2: He charged his dragon into my KM block, going for a desperate thing. He should have tried to charge the flank with his SMs first as they had to roll 10 on 2d6 to actually reach it.. wich they didn’t, leaving the dragon stranded in a sea of marauders(ok,not a sea anymore, a pond) he positioned his spearelves further into my KW and his eagles charged my hellcanon. Shooting did nothing to my TW and magic did nothing either, his comet went on to grow. In combat my hellcanon killed 1 eagle winning the combat and sending the other one fleeing. My marauders managed to take down the dragon before it got to hit back, removing the biggest threat leaving me in board control and giving me time enough to get miasma off on the SM before finishing them off.

Turn 3

So my KW charged his SE my marauders and TW wheeled around and moved towards the SMs. My plan was to sacrifice the marauders to wittle down that large block of asf hard hitting thing. My hellcannon rampaged towards the eagle, missing it with 1 inch, doh’! magic saw a rbt go down to pit of shades and miasma on the SMs, rest got dispelled. Onto the interesting stuff called combat! My KW champ challenged, and his lvl2 accepted. I think I coused 3 wounds on him or so with him scratching my chaos armor with his pointy nails leaving a mercy scratch on it! So he was about to attack with all his 40 horde spearelves. I thought this was gonna be abit painfull.. so he rolls and hit with 5! Kinda felt sorry for the guy, since it was his second game of 8ed and I basicly taught him the rules during that game. He took it with good sport and only shook his head! Since he didn’t kill anyone, I needed to kill 10 elves to take away his steadfast. My bsb killed 4 I belive, wooping 18 attacks hitting on 3s wounding on 2’s killing off a a total off 16! Breaking his steadfast way off and sending the pointy ears headlong back to the isle they came from! I pursued and ended up in the reaper.

After this there was only 1 more highlight. My TW and trolls charged the swordmasters in the front, my KM in the right side, my KW in the left side. The SM had WS 4 I 3 so was cut down to pieces.

Win 20-0 to me!

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