3- dwarfs
Runelord anvil 4+ward spellbreaker dispel scroll rune balance
Thane BSB – 1+save rerollable
Engineer – no idea
2x naked slayers
20 warriors fc shield
10warriors fc gw
10warriors fc gw
10 miners fc
3x10 xbow shield
Grudgethrower reroll 2str
Grudgethrower 2 reroll burning 1str
Cannon burning reroll
BT burning 1str hitting on 2
2x organ gun
Battle; blood and gory with 1000VP for breaking the enemy
My main army in 7th was dwarfs. So I know enough about this shooting to hopefully blow it through. My main concern are that he has a fair chance of shooting down my points to get the 1k victory bonus. My tz warriors aint going to die from some measly dwarven machinery tho.
He had 7 breaking points where as 3 of them where small units. I had 7 aswell although mine wasn’t so easy to get tbh. Deployment was quite unusal imo for a dwarf gunline player. Wich was good for me!
Runelord all the way behind a hill to my left, followed by a organ gun ontop of that hill then abit to the right he deployed his 2x grudge cannon and the engineer and slayers in between. In front of those he deployed 10warriors and 1x xbows, then in a line from there it was 10x xbow 10 warriors 10xbow BT and an organ gun. His main unit with the bsb deployed behind the 10warrs and xbows for some reason. I deployed my Tzwarrs and marauders to his left, leaving them as the main fodder. The reason why the marauders where there aswell was to force him to actually shoot at them instead of my khorne warriors and knights. Hoping they would draw his attention to then, I deployed the troll in the middle for the generals LD and everything else far right. My main plan was that the knights hopefully survived the first organ gun shot and got a charge on that one, then in the next turn charge the trolls and khorne warriors into the other units on that flank.
I won myself the first turn!
Everything moved forward at all haste, my magic did nothing, he broke pit of shades. And I didn’t get 1 spell off the entire fight so im not gonna mention it anymore. The hellcanon killed 7 dwarfs in his big block. His turn; nothing moved. Although he should have done it to prevent all the charging in the next round.. anyway. He killed about 10-15 marauders with the grudges, the cannon missed the trolls but the 2+ hit managed to take down 1 troll. His organ gun killed 2 marauders while the organ gun aiming at the knight killed 2. Lucky me! And his xbows killed my doggie unit to the left.
The anvil slowed the marauders and killed 0.
Turn 2
So my knights charges his organ gun, my trolls charges the xbows in the middle, my KW failed to charge his 10 warriors double 1’s so nudged them forward leaving them stranded for the cannon.
Everything else moved forward embracing for another round of hurty shooting.. my shooting, misfire and ate the crew, and the general far away.. oh well. My remaining doggie unit managed to run around his xbows and in line for a charge against his gunline.. maybe they could survive a round or 2 preventing them from shooting Combat: my knights killed his crew with ease and overrun into the boltthrower. My trolls killed 7 or so of his xbows and overran into the other xbows. His turn: miners arrived next to the dogs, he nudged his slayers forward to stand between his warriors and his gunnery. Shooting he shot down my marauders to 3 killed 2-3 khorne warriors, his canon actually shot at my hellcanon and got a wound in, imo was this a bad choice, the hellcanon has LD 4 and has to pass the rampage test to actually shoot.. He used his anvil to charge his miners into my doggies who stood. Combat, my knights killed his boltthrower and reformed, my trolls killed 7 of his xbows and overran 3” they fled a whooping 10 leaving them far off. His miners killed my doggies.
Turn 3 my KW charged his warrior GW war again, and succeded my TW charged his second warrior GW trolls and knights charged his now 14 man unit of warriors, my hellcanon rampaged after the fleeing xbows. Combat: knights and trolls killed 5 or so warriors took none in return. I should have vomited at the BSB but I forgot about that until turn 4.. my KW killed all of his warriors and overran into the miners! We did a mistake here and his grudgethrower paniced and ran off the board. But new to 8th both of us and enough new rules to remember none of us actually recalled this until my mate said so after we where done. And my TW killed 7 or so warriors and overran into the bloody slayers.. he now had 5 breaking point left. 2 more to go, wich shouldn’t be a problem atm, all my units are locked in combat save the 3 marauders and hellcannon. And I hadn’t lost a single breaking point yet! His turn, he stood still again, rallied the 3 xbows and started shooting. His anvil misfired but all was good. His canon grapeshooted my warriors and rolled 10.. and killed a whole lot.. 5+the bsb remained and now I was realy worried. His organ gun shot…. 2! Good I thought.. then he used the reroll ability and a 10 came up… f***k u are lucky on those artillery dices.. damn, only the bsb remaining and he is not within charge range of anything.. his grudges killed off my remaining 3 marauders netting him his second point Combat: my khorne warriors finished of his miners with ease stranding them infront of both the organ gun and the bloody canon.. this was gonna hurt.. my trolls and knights swang at the bsb unit taking them down to 5… bah bloody steadfast and dwarven discipline. Well new turn new possibilities my exalted challenged the slayer, and did 1 wound got none back. Phew… the slayer actually has a fair chance of killing him.. should have taken it with my general instead..
Turn 4
My khorne warriors wheeled towards his canon, hoping for the best. My hellcanon rampaged into the 3 xbows on the far far left :P gogo hellcanon! My bsb moved as close as possible to the canon and shit, hoping to survive a round of fire, no where to run and no where to hide, and that isn’t realy the khornate way either! Combat: my exalted killed of the freakin slayer. My knights and trolls killed the remaining 4 dwarfs, leaving only the BSB alive. Breaking him! Gogo 1k VP to me! Now, I remembered the vomit attack.. wich I regret on not using on his BSB. Oh well, no harm done both units still locked in combat leaving me with 5 points left. Although I was quite worried that he would actually take away the knights and the bsb breaking me aswell. My hellcanon killed his 3 xbows.His turn: his slayer charged my Tz warriors. His anvil misfired again, but no harm done. Shooting: canon blasted the BSB, taking 1 wound off him. His organ gun rolled a 10 again and killed him.. now I had to seriously hide the knights. His Grudgethrower took aim at the hellcanon and made 1 wound on it again. Combat: his slayer killed my exalted.. I fluffed all my attacks and all my saves. Bah! I was abit unsure about what to do now.. kill the BSB or not kill the damn thing.. I attacked with the knight and the horsie doing 0 wounds. Good. He attacked the troll and actually did 2 wounds. Even better! So I used the vomit attack cousing 0 wounds on the bsb, he held. We had plenty of time left so I wasn’t worried about that. Might call me a coward but this was actually damn cleverly done. He cannot shoot my 3 knights, and he cannot shoot my Tz either.. not that he can shoot them down anytime soon anyway..
His turn: everything shot at the hellcanon leaving him with 1 wound left, wich also was great! Combat, my champion challenged his slayer. My champ coused 1 wound the slayer killed my champ. Bah.. I blame the dice God… combat: my knight fluffed, the bsb fluffed my troll vomited cousing 1 wound.
Turn 5:
Same as turn 4 only no wounds where exchanged in either combat in either rounds.. shooting took down the hellcanon.
Turn 6. Well, this was it.. I had to kill the bsb and hope that the knights survived the 1 canon bullet and the str 5 thrower. Combat: his slayer made 1 wound on my lord, taking none in return.. bah again! My troll did nothing to the BSB. And he ran.. dammit.. only the trolls followed and captured him. Im not sure if my opponent was aware that he only needed to kill the knights to actually fetch off 1k VP points. Anyway, he shot some trolls and that was it. I was quite happy with the result bar the crappy overrun of the khorne warriors against the miners.had they run 2 more inches they would have run off the board, saving them from the grapeshot. Anyway a good lad and a good game. During the battle the result was kinda obvious exept that I didn’t count that the slayers would actually hold up my TW for 3 bloody turns. I rolled crap, but still. So dwarf of the match was defo the 2 slayers. Wich imo gave him 2 points.. win to me 18-2
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