Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Final Battle! WoC - Watchtower

Atm at the scoreboard we where 5! Players at the exact same amount. 1 player had 16 points more then the 5 of us. I realy wanted to play against his demon army couse all my units could actually kill that bloody 6str6 i10 regen on every wound coused keeper of secrets. Im quite impressed that no one managed to kill it. Ofc its easier said then done. But unless he is in the flank or rear of my units I think both the khorne warriors and marauders could have taken it down rather fairly. And he didn’t have much  magic defence, so actually getting mindrazor off giving me str 8 could go off if I 6 diced timed it. Anyway, I wasn’t lucky enough to get that battle so here goes the last scenario
So finals scenario; watch tower 1k VP for having the tower at the end. Many of the competitive players didn’t like to finish of with this random scenario. I love scenarios, and are not realy that competitive considering its my second tournament after almost 10 years of playing warhammer. Anyway I was meeting another warriors of chaos list. Against another friend! The winner of the last years tournament. Our lists are quite different. My list is better then his against someone, while his list against something else. Against each other my list has the edge imo.
His list was:
Tz sorc lord lvl4 puppet, ench shield, third eye, amulet 4+ward in 20 Tz warrs
Bsb doom totem
Flying exalted with eye iirc
12 warriors Tz shield
20 warriors Tz shield
20 warriors Tz shield
20 chosens Tz shield champ with favor

i think that was the numbers he ran, if not, quite close to it. was so many blocks of warriors i cant recall if they where 20 or 15.

Now we did 1 mistake, we didn’t know it was a core unit that had to be in the tower from the start. Nor that the rolloff winner could choose to start there or not. Either way he deployed his chosen with BSB in the tower. Now the only way he couldn’t get a 3+ward on them was to roll 4.. wich he did, the game would have looked quite different if not tbh. He gained +1str. Now we deployed the rest: him: chosen in tower in the middle
From my left to right:
12 warriors         ex                          20warrs lord      20 warrs              warshrine and hellcanon behind.


Hellcanon   knights doggies                   khorne      Tz  trolls               marauders doggies

I got first turn
Khorne warriors charged the tower, knights moved up against his 12 warriors, tz wars trolls and marauders moved up as far as they could. Magic saw me nerfing the chosens ws I and shit with 3. Then I shot down 2-3 tz warriors with a bad scatter roll. My khorne warriors went first. Killing a whooping 12. In the challenge he killed my champ. Then he hit back and killed 6 or so. He managed his break test somehow. Next turn: he moved all he had upwards, his hellcanon shot at my Tz unit, misfired and rolled a 6. Str10 hit killed 3 spot on panic test passed. Not good rolling from his side, but that’s the game! He tried a 6 dice gateway wich I scrolled away. His chosen got 3+ ward from the warshrine.

I saw a flaw in his positioning of the tz warriors. If he didn’t move them forward he would get flank charged by my warriors. Khorne warriors charged the tower again and the knights charges his 12 warrior unit. I moved my doggies upfront of his Tz warriors, either making him charge them and no magic for him, and he cant turn around due to the dogs, giving me his flank if he doesn’t charge the dogs, either way its good for me. Lets see if he takes the bait! Marauders move up to flank charge his warshrine, and go for the hellcanon together with my dogs. My troll and tz warriors nudges forward 1 inch so that if he doesn’t move his tz warriors 1 of them can flank charge. Magic: his chosens are again at i2 ws3 and that’s about it. Combat: my exalted challenges and fluffs his 5 attacks.. bah, his exalted actually manages to kill my exalted. Oh well. My other 27 attacks kills about 10 of the remaining 3 chosens. His bsb tries to hold, but rolls badly. And dies. I have the tower! Now my knights kills 5 or so of his tz warriors, none dies in return, he flees  and get run down. His turn: he notice the position of my tz warriors but fail his march move on the 15 block further back so he cant get them up and block the path. He gambles and doesn’t charge the doggies, hoping for a 6 dies gateway on my block. His exalted on disc charges my hellcanon(he should know better!) the rest moves up abit. He brandishes his warshrine flank to my marauders for some reason. Magic: he gets 4 dices iirc so does I channeling 1. He tries a 4 dice gateway I dispel it. Combat: the exalted get crushed by the hellcanon and that’s the end of turn 2. Looking good for me, very good.

Turn3 my Tz warriors flank charges his main unit. He hold. My marauders flank charges his warshrine, doggies charges his hellcanon. My troll charges his 15 warriors. I move my knights into position to help the trolls getting a rear or flank on the 15 warriors. Magic: my Tz warriors gain str 8 I regret on not miasmaing the 15 warrior unit instead, but u cant know that infront of the combat phase anyway. Shooting: skipped. Combat: I went with the marauders first. They ran the shrine down. But didn’t run far enough to get into the rear of the 15 warriors. Missing with 1 inch.. bah. The trolls took 3 wounds and killed 1 in return. Turning tails and fleeing. He rolled a double 1 iirc on the pursue. My tz warriors killed about 10 of his, none died in return. He pigtailed and I followed catching him wich basicly ended the battle. In his round he charged my 10 remaining khorne warriors in the tower. He killed 2 or so, I killed 5 winning, pushing him back out with his rear to the marauders and his flank to my knights. He conseeded then and there. No point in going 3 more turns in me just moving towards the hellcanon and he moving towards me with it. I would have killed it quite easely with my MOK marauders in 2 combat rounds. Big victory to me 20-0! We used about 15min of deployment and about 30-40 min of playtime, so we still had another 1,5+ hour left of the other games. Atm with my score I was at the first place, but looking over at the first table the winning player was wooping the OK player badly, so unless a miracle occurred I was in second or third. The table 2 game was the two DE I lost against. Me and the woc I played against went down to try out warmachine, wich was a great game! It’s a mixture of the best from mordheim and necromunda mixed together with magic. Strongly advicable to try out! We played a small demo game with some crusaders from warmachine against trolls from horde. After that we went up to get the final result..

1.       Demons
2.       DE
3.       WoC

Me and the DE was even at battle points and painting points, but he had 300ish more VP then me.. wich makes me think back to the first game where my knights died to the HE archers in combat… or the 4th game where my sorc lord and exalted died to soulstealer.. bloody hell >_< to sum up the tournament from my own side. I was very happy with the result, my woc did what it was good at. Although deployment messing scenarios doesn’t belong in a tournament imo, it costed me the game twice against DE. Their movement are way superior to mine, and their fighting abilities aint that far off either. Anyway I had a great time, meeting getting to know new people and meeting old players are always fun! Next year ill probably either use my empire army, massing close to 200 halberds Oo depending on how the comp is, but that is my main plan. 

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