So, after the "shock" of 6ed rumors(for some atleast, 3++ slaughtered them right away) now, ive done quite alot the last weeks. Ive recieved 1 birdie 1 LR and 4 Raz. Now im gonna make 1 of those Raz for my SW and the rest for the GK's. I dont need 4 in my current list, as it seems rather boring to play the "usual 5x4 raz/3x psifleman list ive read so much about. I don't like it and i doubt ill ever will from a "fun game" p.o.v. Now the reason why I havent smacked any paint on them from the outside is becouse im waiting for this magic spray from army painter called chain mail(iirc) so I don't have to paint all by hand(wuhu!) ive finished the assassins bar the bases tho, and build 5 more PA GK's so i'll hopefully get some painting done on those guys over the weekend bringing the painted models up to 21 GKPA 5 paladins, Draigo, 6 assassins, Dreadknight and a dancing psifleman(yea his pose is awesome with the 2x TLAC on) and the vehicles will probably be done the day i get that damn spray, if my theory proves correctly. Luckily I have lots of junk I can test it on before I coat all my precious tanks in it.
and go check out the latest 40k radio( with Rick Priestly, a good show worth the listen.
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