Friday, October 22, 2010

Done lots

Soo, my cellphone camera doesnt work that well in teh dark, so no pictures as of yet, but I will fill them in tomorrow. As of now ive done 40 halberds, 20 greatswords - arms and started to paint and flock the RoB, it looks quite nice, altho on the last tiles ill add in more glue as it didnt stick as good as I was hoping. Nothing that cant be easely fixed so ill prob do that tomorrow. Got some parts from maelstrom, 40k basing git, a new wood and some other bits! So after my Empire army is done ill continiue on my Space Wolf army, need to paint away those lines, it looks horrible up close but good from far away, but i like it to be abit tidy from up close rather then far away.

So here we go, the board is finished alongside som halberds and greatswords(arms/swords finished but out of glue so..)

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