Thursday, May 26, 2011

Librarian done ! And new stuff ordered

So I have made and painted the librarian. He is the HQ im gonna use the most, as I realy like how he completes the army by having the power for the right job. Need more strength? Cant penetrate the armour of that land raider? He will make u do it! Need to strike before those pesky Eldars? Sure no problem! Now onto what I have ordered. Vehicles! 4-5 Razorbacks(not sure what me and the store manager agreed on, but something along that line) and 1 landraider crusader. So that completes the main army basicly. A mate of mine ordered the FW dread for me along with some bits for this and that. When I recive this and all the outstanding orders I will have 31 PA. 8TDA, 4-5 Razor/rhino, 1landraider,1 dreadknight and 2 psyfledreads. Now that I have the backbone of the army, its time to look at the henchmens! I will order some meltaboys from FW, assassins from privateer, make psykers out of some bodies i have laying around here. Not sure about the crusaders. Im tempted to just buy them, but their pose anoys me, so I might make my own out of several bitz i have. So with that addition + and INQ and another raider I can make that cookie cutter list ive seen floating around aswell. Altho im abit more on the paladins+raider and inq+servitors/Psyker list. Time will show what will work and what won't. I still havent played enough 40k to realy argue for and against anything. But common sense and logic and experience from tabletopgaming for over 10 years can get you a long way for sure ;)

Now first, the assassin models, im gonna paint them "grimdark"(love that word!) and model a hooded head on them if the back is how I think it is.

And the librarian! Homemade cloaks and everything! Enjoy:)

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